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Ferns and Horsetails (Monilophytes)
Clubmosses and Quillworts (Lycophytes)
Dryopteris expansa  •  Northern Buckler Fern
Dryopteris expansa (C.Presl.) Fraser-Jenkins & Jermy; D.assimilis S.Walker; Northern Buckler Fern
Northern Buckler Fern, West Scotland, early July
Individual fronds. Rocky woodland habitat. Cumbria, late July Individual fronds, underside. Rocky woodland habitat. Cumbria, late July
Single frond. Rocky woodland habitat. Cumbria, late July Single frond. Rocky woodland habitat. Cumbria, late July
Fronds, In deep shade, mountain rocks. West Scotland (Main Argyll), early July Frond. In deep shade, mountain rocks. West Scotland (Main Argyll), early July
Immature frond. Boulder scree habitat, West Scotland (Main Argyll), early July Pinnae. Rocky woodland habitat, Cumbria, late July
Lowest pinna showing enlarged lowest basiscopic pinnule. Rocky woodland habitat, Cumbria, late July Young frond. Boulder scree habitat, West Scotland (Main Argyll), early August
Rocky woodland habitat. Cumbria, late July Rocky woodland habitat. Cumbria, late July
Rocky woodland habitat. Cumbria, late July Rocky woodland habitat. Cumbria, late July
Rocky woodland habitat. Cumbria, late July Boulder scree habitat, West Scotland (Main Argyll), early August
With Athyrium distentifolium (foreground). Boulder scree habitat, West Scotland (Main Argyll), early August Boulder scree habitat, West Scotland (Main Argyll), early August
Scotland In deep shade, mountain rocks. West Scotland (Main Argyll), early July
In deep shade, mountain rocks. West Scotland (Main Argyll), early July In deep shade, mountain rocks. West Scotland (Main Argyll), early July
Boulder scree, Cumbria, June Boulder scree, Cumbria, June
Boulder scree, Cumbria, June Stipes. Boulder scree, Cumbria, June
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