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Ferns and Horsetails (Monilophytes)
Clubmosses and Quillworts (Lycophytes)
Cystopteris dickieana  •  Dickie's Bladder Fern
Cystopteris dickieana R. Sim; C. fragilis var. dickieana (R. Sim) Moore; C. fragilis subsp. dickieana (R. Sim) Hylander; Dickie's Bladder Fern
Dickie's Bladder Fern, early August
Individual fronds, cultivated plant, June Single frond, underside showing ripe sporangia. Cultivated plant, June
Underside of pinnae showing ripe sporangia Wall of sea cave with Cystopteris dickieana, E Scotland, early August
Sea cave, E Scotland. Early August Young fronds, sea cave, E Scotland. Early August
Sea cave, E Scotland. Early August Sea cave, E Scotland. Early August
Sea cave, E Scotland. Early August Sea cave, E Scotland. Early August
© Text, images and design copyright Roger Golding unless otherwise stated. Contact e-mail: rg@rogergolding.co.uk