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Ferns and Horsetails (Monilophytes)
Clubmosses and Quillworts (Lycophytes)
Anogramma leptophylla  •  Jersey Fern
Anogramma leptophylla (L.) Link; Jersey Fern
Jersey Fern, young fronds
Cultivated plant, July Early, sterile fronds
Early, sterile fronds Early, sterile fronds
Early, sterile fronds Single frond. Cultivated material
Single frond. Cultivated material Single frond. Cultivated material
Single frond. Cultivated material, July Single frond, underside with ripe sporangia. Cultivated material, July
Underside of mature fertile frond showing ripe sporangia. Sao Miguel, Azores With Adiantum capillus-veneris, Sao Miguel, Azores
© Text, images and design copyright Roger Golding unless otherwise stated. Contact e-mail: rg@rogergolding.co.uk